Below is a compilation of events and programs we have facilitated and co-programmed alongside our partners.
If you would like to hire Meztli Projects to provide on-site art activations such as screen-printing or provide workshops for your community we are fully capable of providing one-off programs, series based workshops or can customize something that meets your needs.
Beading Workshop: Portrait Memorials, March 2020 at Indigenous Circle of Wellness
Ceramics Workshop, March 2020 at POT Studio LA
Beading a Path to the Future Workshop Series by Kimberly Robertson, assisted by Marina Perez, August - December 2019 at Legacy LA
Abuelita’s Remedios, September 2019 at Belvedere Park - Lakeside in East Los Angeles
WE RISE 2019 in Downtown Los Angeles
Mural Workshop, Toypurina Youth Arts & Action Workshops, August 2019 in East Los Angeles
Land Acknowledgement & Screen Printing Workshop, CalStateLA, October 2018
Wellbeing Summit, November 2019 in Santa Monica
Screen-Printing Workshop with Tataviam Education & Cultural Learning Dept., July 2019
Visit to Chumash Lands (Santa Barbara), February 2020
Drum Making Workshop, Toypurina Youth Arts & Action Workshops, August 2019 in East Los Angeles