Encoding Futures:
Speculative Monuments for L.A. Panel Discussion
Thursday, October 7, 2021, 7 pm
Panel discussion with resident artists, Nancy Baker Cahill, Audrey Chan, Joel Garcia with Meztli Projects, and Patrick Martinez, moderated by Tricia Kim.
Over 3 months during the summer of 2021, Nancy Baker Cahill, Audrey Chan, Joel Garcia with Meztli Projects, and Patrick Martinez researched and created original augmented reality artworks through Oxy Arts’ artist-in-residence program. The prompt was to create a future monument for a chosen site in Los Angeles. The collection of artworks created through this residency represent new sociotechnical imaginaries for the city.
Read the article in Religion News Service
Where Serra statues once stood, a chance to honor California’s Indigenous people
”Kim Morales-Johnson, a descendant of Tongva and a Catholic, envisions a Tongva museum taking shape in L.A. Since the toppling of the Serra statue, she said city leaders have been more open to hearing about these kinds of possibilities to honor L.A.’s Native Americans.
Morales-Johnson said she’d want to work with the Catholic Church to make this a reality. “I want there to be a celebration of our culture and preservation of what we have, but also a way to honor and remember our ancestors,” she said.”