Drifting On Memories is a podcast about lowrider culture highlighting historical accounts through interviews and conversations with the people that paved the way, the cars, the clubs, the music, fashion and activism of the early days of the Lowrider movement, and those currently nurturing this cultural phenomenon.
The Lowrider culture is known around the world but rarely is the story told by those who were there.
Please join us on Friday, August 19, 2002 from 5 pm to 9 pm to help celebrate the culmination of this 8-episode interview series that features acclaim poet and author Luis J. Rodriguez, recently profiled by LATIMES, Angela Romero of Hello Stranger, Professor John Ulloa of Lowride Worldwide, and Sandy of Lady Lowrider among others. Free food by East Los Musubi who was recently featured on HBOMax’s Take Out with Lisa Ling.